Three Show Things

It’s much better walking on stage knowing you have a good show than walking on stage hoping you’ll have a good show.

Having a good show starts long before you walk on stage.

The best way to say thank you to your audience isn’t to say thank you…it’s to give them a good show.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Building It Up vs. Burning It Down

The difference is stunning.

To burn it down all you need is a match and maybe some gasoline. And anyone over the age of three can do it by themselves. And it’s a tremendous amount of power.

Building it up takes an integrated team of professionals. Plans, coordinated effort, compromise, money, time, expertise, delegation, commitment. And the power comes from leading rather than ruling.

Build don’t burn.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Same Shoes Different Color

If the shoes are brown and purple, I’ll pass. If they’re white and light green, I’m in.

If the car is navy blue, I’m out. If it’s black, I’ll take it.

If the guitar is bright red, it’s probably a no. If it’s a deep red, I’ll buy two.

It’s the same pair of shoes, car and guitar. Same quality, utility, and feel…just different colors. But it turns out color matters. What it’s wrapped in. How it’s packaged. If it’s done one way, we definitely don’t want it…if it’s done a different way we’ll do anything to get it.

The packaging might not be most important but it’s always important.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Make The Call

We haven’t gotten better at making choices by having more options.

We get better at making better choices by simply making decisions. Not willy nilly. But not dramatizing and dwelling on the what-ifs. You have to do the best with the information you have, make a call and keep going.

I would argue we learn more from a wrong decision than forever contemplating the options.

»» This post brought to you by the three days it took me to order some gym shorts.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

The Sweat Box

Most have us have made the lists and checked the boxes for a long time. The hard boxes. The sweat boxes. The up all night boxes.

And then maybe a little money starts coming in. The more money that comes in the more you can pay someone else to do the sweaty stuff for you. And you should. But not completely.

Do something everyday that you don’t really want to do. The discomfort is good for the soul.

Check the sweat box.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Where Are We Going?

First Monday of the month means new Hum Love playlist on Spotify and Apple

We want to know that when we hit play on a new song, that the artist knows where we are going. Or rather…that we can rely on the artist to take us somewhere we’d like to be.

Most every song has an arc. We hear those first few notes…and the first few notes are never the biggest best notes of the song…but…do we hear something in the very beginning that makes us think this artist knows how to take us there. The payoff, the twist, the climax, the hook.

»» And one of the reasons we return to the artists we already like is that we trust where they will take us when we click play.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple