6/8 Time And More

A good 6/8 song in a set of all 4/4 songs is an excellent change of pace. It sticks out…like Oh Darlin’ by The Beatles or Cryin’ by Aerosmith.

If you spend all your time running all over the stage, people will notice (consciously or subconsciously) the one song where all you do is stand at the mic stand and sing.

If you have all high songs, having one where you only sing low is a cool little break.

If most of your set is minor-based, a major song will sound like redemption.
If you’re a rock band, you’re allowed a country song.

If you’re a pop band, you’re allowed a very 80’s song.

If you’re a country band, you’re allowed both a rap and a chicken pickin song.

These may not happen to be the biggest, grandest moments in the set, but they are great ways to think about spicing up your show.  Good little flavors to add to support the moments that are indeed biggest and grandest.

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