Artists Hire Teams To Complain About Them

There are many artists who seek to put a team together so that they have other people to blame when things go badly.

When you’re alone and a project fails, you blame the public for “just not getting it”…but at least deep down you know the responsibility was on you.

With a team, a lot of artists forgo even that deep down responsibility.

It’s my managers fault. The label didn’t do enough.  The PR was terrible.  THEY are the reason for my failure and sadness…I mean, I hired them to make this thing successful and they didn’t do their job.

How do I know that subconsciously artists want a team in order to have someone to blame?

Because most artists don’t know what to do once they have a team…other than complain about it.

They decide it feels better and is less risky to complain about the team, rather than leading it.

It’s safe and everyone will agree with you and give a sympathetic pat on the back as you gripe about so-and-so isn’t doing their job and they’re holding up the rocket ship.

You hired so-and-so. So either lead them or fire them.

But you won’t fire them cause it FEELS SO GOOD to be able to tell your pals you have a warm body filling the manager/agent/label/pr seat.

And you don’t lead them because you don’t want to step on anyones toes. You’re afraid of being bossy, of being too this or too that.

Aren’t you tired of this cycle yet?

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