Band Body Slamming

If you haven’t experience literal body slamming from your bandmates, you’ve certainly experienced the mental, emotional, relational version of it.

All of this so wonderfully depicted in this video.

There is nothing like a band.  There are two main elements that, in tandem, make it unique to anything else.

Time together, and releasing things during that time.

Time.  You spend so much time together.  An odd amount of time.  And with the time comes the strangest, lowest, highest events imaginable.  You go through so much TOGETHER.  It’s obvious why John wanted Yoko there…because that connection of BEING there is everything.  Multiply this by 2 or 5 or 7 years and thats a lot of shared experience.

Releasing stuff.  Not only is there the connection of time, but then you are collectively releasing creativity into the world…your songs.  The vulnerable, emotional, intimate, spiritual, mental rollercoaster that each individual goes through when birthing music into the world (while still being a part of the group), is a connection unique to bands.  Other groups of people with other types of jobs may release a project or two together, but nothing like a band.

Bands have a soul.  There’s nothing more romantic.  It’s a mystery.  Not to be solved, but participated in.


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