bigger and Bigger and BIGGER

If what you want people, the radio station, the blog, the interviewer, the fans to talk about is that you’re getting bigger, you’ll always need a bigger event.  And then a bigger one. And then an even bigger one.

What is the band up to…is a question often heard by the artist as “in what ways is the band getting in front more people, and then more people, and having cooler and cooler experiences unique to the common person”.

Having lots of fans is great.  Having cool experiences is really fun.

But if you always need a bigger dose of the drug in order to have something to talk about…you’ll always need a bigger dose.  And the dose might not be there.  You can’t solely control the dose, the size and when it comes.

Try answering “what is the band up to” with something other than accolades, the success ramp, and name dropping.

p.s. Your accolades, the success ramp and name dropping are much more intriguing and magnetic when you can answer the question without those things too.

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