We Have One Song Left!

Ladies and Gentlemen, We have one song left! 

What are they suppose to do? Cheer? Boo? Weep? Start getting their things together for a quick exit upon completion?

“We have one song left” is a confusing thing to say.  And it doesn’t add to leaving them wanting more.

“We have one song left” gets said because it gets said…it’s in artists subconscious so it comes out without thinking.  And there’s the issue, the not thinking, and not training yourself as a performer to have something better in your subconscious for the times when you’re not thinking.

Fight for something more creative, more true to the cause, more in line with the arc of your show….at the very very least, something that isn’t confusing for the audience.

p.s. You know what leaves them wanting more? Leaving. In grand fashion and unannounced.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com