Who Is Successful That You Think Shouldn’t Be?

Who is successful that shouldn’t be?

Let that stew for a minute. Who comes to mind? Who’s getting WAY too much credit and career advancement?

There’s a lot to learn there.  Because the thing is, the only rules they’re violating are the rules you’ve made up for yourself in your own head…and you’re not only applying them to yourself, but everyone else too.

All the reasons you think they shouldn’t be successful (but are anyway) highlight the confines in which you’re playing the game.

But there are no confines.

There are no rules.

The WAY IT IS isn’t the way it is…it’s just the way it is when you think of the way it is.

“Hey, wait a second, that’s not fair” doesn’t apply…because fair implies regulations, defined justice, a universally accepted list of right and wrong.

But in the entertainment business, its the wild west.

There are no rules, only choices.

p.s.  “They suck and they’re doing better than me”…they may suck, but they play by a set of rules that allows them to be more successful than you ANYWAY.  It would do you good to familiarize yourself with their “rules” that allow them this path.

I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com

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