The Fizz

I didn’t learn about surface tension until middle school…and didn’t understand it until way after that.

When the soda is poured into the glass and the fizz starts speeding up the glass faster than anyone expected and it goes all the way to the lip of the glass… and then goes PAST the top of the glass…how high can it go before it spills over?!

That tension. That’s where the good stuff is. On the edge. This could be the biggest magical dome of fizz that anyone has ever seen…or all at once it could spill over the side and we’re yelling for paper towels.


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Considered And Consulted

When we feel left out of the decision making process it’s easy to think ‘why wasn’t I considered’.

Odds are you were considered…just not consulted.

When your drummer shaved his eyebrows, when the questionable dinner reservation got made, when your friend moved away, when your neighbor did a ten month construction project.

All of those decisions could have benefited from your well rounded perspective, but you weren’t consulted. It doesn’t mean they didn’t think of you. It doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. It doesn’t mean your opinion isn’t valuable.

You get considered more than you think you do. And it’s a high honor to be consulted.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

The Reunion

From what I can tell, Saturday Night Live is a little like summer camp, a little like an escape game without an escape, a little rock n roll, a little traumatic, incredibly funny, and perhaps the epitome of euphoria and despair…all while the clocking is ticking closer to Saturday night.

So it unites the people who have gone through it.

There’s the show and then there’s the after party…an after party that often goes well into the next day.

I venture to say most of the people at SNL 50 don’t spend a lot of time looking for reasons to stay out until 5am…but when that group gets together…it’s electric. People are electric. When it’s that good you can’t peel yourself away. You stay out. You pay the price later. Because you WANT to.

Because while I’m sure everyone in attendance would say the show was great…it’s the little conversations and moments of connection throughout the night, throughout the after party and into the early morning that people carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Seek out the extra special. Build the extra special. Learn to recognize the extra special. And when you find those people…don’t stop getting together with them.

»» Side note…They wouldn’t have been able to get all those people to get together just for the after party…they had to have a show first. The show is the rally point. The connector. The thing that makes the after party different.


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The Guts To Take It Public

That’s the difference between playing guitar in your bedroom and taking your guitar out of your bedroom.

Taking it public means there’s going to be people you don’t know who are going to have opinions about your work…and you won’t know what they are.

A constant dance with the unnerving unknown…that takes guts.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Knowing The Players

The artists, musicians, producers, engineers, agents, managers…

Probably not knowing them all personally but knowing who they are and a little bit about their work. Not so you can pretend like you’re more connected than you are but so that you can see the interconnectedness when names and projects get thrown around.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Don't Beat The Varsity

That’s the underlying job of the JV during practice.

The JV is suppose to put up a fight but the varsity team comes out on top…that way things look the way they should..

The JV is good.

The varsity is better.

And the coaches look smart for putting those players on those teams.

That’s the way it should be.

But it’s much more interesting when the JV wins.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple