The Big Mistake

You’re going to make one eventually. You work hard and you work overtime to ensure that it doesn’t happen but it will. Something that costs a lot of money, or makes your team look dumb, or causes you to miss out on a big opportunity, or even puts relationships and your reputation in jeopardy.

Two things…

1. After you make the big mistake at work you’ll realize the world keeps spinning. Yes it was big. Yes there are consequences. Yes it was your fault. But everyone will still wake up tomorrow and keep going.

2. On the day you make the mistake and feel terrible about yourself, you have to go home and walk through the front door. And those relationships inside that house…you’ll need them. You’ll need a safe and warm place to come back to when you’re hurting and embarrassed. Don’t forget about home.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

The Good Painter

It’s a good idea to hire a good painter to paint your living room.

A good painter is better and faster than you.

A good painter knows what to do when problems arise.

A good painter knows how to keep things clean.

A good painter has spent a long time becoming a good painter.


…even the good painters can’t make the paint dry faster.

We can only control the controllables.

We can only improve the improvables.

»» Thanks to Eric for this one.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Is This Song Any Good?

Is different than asking, ‘Would you choose to listen to this?’

You can get some wind in the sails by asking some trusted people the first question.

But you’re gonna need a decent number of strangers to answer Yes to the second question in order to make a career out of it.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Do You Hear A Hit?

And not just any hit…one of the biggest, maybe THE biggest hit in the last twenty five years…

The Killers playing Mr. Brightside in 2002 before they got signed and made Hot Fuss.

The small crowd gives a polite round of applause at the end but no one is going crazy…the crowd doesn’t hear an international smash…even though the version on the video isn’t all that different from the version with billions of streams.

It’s a fully formed mega hit that hadn’t been discovered yet.

Could you have heard the hit?


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Is It Worth It?

Or maybe another way to say it…Will I be glad I stuck around through the ramp up?

We know that the first notes of the song aren’t the best ones but if it’s an artist we like, we trust it’ll be worth the wait until the chorus.

The video clip, the article, the podcast, even the trip to the grocery store.

It’s all about the source. Who are your trusted sources and who are you a trusted source for?


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Better Than A Beatle Lyric

Here we go…first Monday of the month, new Hum Love playlist on Spotify and Apple

There’s a Beatles lyric book I’ve given to a few friends over the years…it’s got handwritten copies of most of the songs and some storytelling and dialogue to go with them. It’s amazing. Well worth the $16.

If you’re a songwriter and you scan the pages for more than a few minutes, I hope you’ll pick up on one interesting observation…

You have written at least one line that is better than at least one line in the Beatles book.

And if you can write one that is better, you can write more.

»» Thanks to Seth for connecting the dots on this one.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple