A Letter Worth Sending

When the post office first showed up in town it’s likely most people didn’t need it. Everyone they knew or at least everyone they needed to connect with lived close by. What’s the point of sending a letter if we don’t need to send a letter?

But then I imagine what quickly followed was…I don’t need to send a letter but it’s thrilling to get a letter so I’ll send one in hopes of getting one back. i.e. Communicating is fun. i.e. Maybe it doesn’t matter as much what the letter says just as long as I get one and send one and keep the cycle going.

And we wrestle with this still today.

In a world where all of life’s essentials are one click away, what’s worth communicating to the next town over or next country over?

Is the goal to communicate something specific or to simply keep a communication cycle going because it feels good?


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