A Painter Reading The Instructions

You don’t want to see the painter reading the instructions on the can muttering “Ok how do I put this stuff on”.  

Or over hear them on the phone asking a buddy what comes after the brush work.

Because they’re suppose to know. 

YOU would read the can.  YOU would phone a friend. They shouldn’t have to. 

They’re suppose to have done this a million times before. That’s what they advertised.  

That’s why you hired them for the day.

The audience doesn’t wanna see you fumble and mumble around on stage and not know what to do up there. 

THEY could get up there and fumble around.  THEY could get up there and do something forgettable.

But you’re suppose to know what to do. That’s what you’ve advertised.  

That’s why they hired you for the night. 

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