Cheeseburger Iterations

When we’re kids we want a cheeseburger. Bun, burger, cheese. That’s it. McDonald’s and all the others are happy to serve that up. Then slowly we mature into being fine with ketchup on there…McDonald’s can handle that too.

And then a few more years pass by. We travel a bit. We read some health blogs. We have a little extra cash.

Our taste develops.

Now we want a cheeseburger but this time it’s with garlic aioli, pickles from a local farmer and a type of cheese that we can’t pronounce.

McDonald’s doesn’t do that but there are other places that do.

As your fans and customers change you have to make the choice if you’re going to change and develop along with them or simply pass them off to the next iteration of what you do.

There’s no one right answer but getting caught in the middle is usually a tough place to be.


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