Getting Coffee Again

The only thing scarier than getting coffee with a friend is getting coffee again with them too soon.

I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about.

There are friends and acquaintances and associates who are on the six week rotation or the ten week rotation. And that’s because it takes that amount of time in between to feel good about getting together and having pretty much the same conversation all over again. It’s fun, it’s fine, its great to check in and connect a little bit.

But if you get coffee and then get coffee again with the same person just three days later, you’re sure to tread into new territory…because you won’t feel ok about rehashing all the same stuff since it’s only been three days.

It could get awkward. It could get boring. There might be some silence. But there also might be a new question. A question that digs just a little bit deeper than usual. And that’s where it goes from relationship maintenance to relationship growth.


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