Grammatical Errors

Sorry about the one yesterday.  The first word in the subject line…I do know the difference between you’re and your…but it was kind of embarrassing.

Actually, only those who got it sent to their email witnessed the grammatical error.  I corrected it by the time it went up on the actual blog, Facebook and Twitter.

My wife tells me I need to let her proof read each post before I send it.  I should act on her wisdom more.

But alas, I sent it.  And that’s the most important thing to me.  That it gets sent.

I don’t spend too much time proof reading or even rewriting.  If I comb through it for too long, that can be a black hole for me.  I can easily get hyper analytical and stall myself. 

And then there’s lots of posts where the second it goes up I think of changes I’d like to make, a better way to say what I said, a better flip of the words.

So I send it quickly.  Sometimes there’s grammatical errors, probably every time there’s a better way I could have said something.

Sending out a 98% good post is better than not sending one at all.

So I’ll keep sending.

Thanks for raeding.

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