Hoping For Distractions

Here’s how you know you’re on to something scary and important…

The things that never distract you start distracting you.

You’ve got to sit down and finish writing and you find yourself enthusiastically organizing the shoes by the back door.

You’ve got to send the big invoice but you end up scrolling the social media pages of the pals from your third grade baseball team.

You’ve got to make the big phone call and realize your dishwasher doesn’t do a good enough job with the silverware and it needs to be rewashed and shined by hand.

When we’re onto something good it’s usually a little scary. When it’s scary there is part of us that wants to do anything but the scary thing. So we fill the time anything else.

The shoes and the baseball pals and the silverware will all get taken care of later.

Get back to work.


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