Is Bill Cosby Still Funny?

When is it ok to laugh at Bill Cosby’s comedy again?

Martha Stewart was all smiles and good vibes on Letterman the other night.  Lance Armstrong is ultimately remembered as a champion.  Who can forget the Brett Favre fiasco…apparently everyone.  Didn’t Zeppelin and KISS sell their souls to the devil at some point? Bill Clinton lied to all of us including the judicial system, but most people are cool with it now.

We care because it’s news.  We get up in arms because our perception is violated, but ultimately we forget.  We don’t care.

Why can’t we see this pattern and understand that we don’t know who these people are?  We simply enjoy or benefit from a tiny slice of what they do.  

I don’t think John Lennon and I would have been friends, probably more like enemies.  He did a lot of questionable and illegal things, but whatever.  He’s the best.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t take the root issues of some of these things seriously.  We should.  

But for all the fury against the latest public figure, just or unjust…it’s gonna go away.  The conversation is going to change.
