I’ve Cracked The Rock Star Code

It came to me. The answer…

I wrote the title of the post and had the juicy info sitting pretty in my smart smart brain…so I paused and took a proud stroll to the kitchen to get a celebratory La Criox, basking in THE knowledge. 

As I cracked open the peach-pear La Croix, I got a text.  I told myself I would remember the ANSWER while opening and replying to the text.  Mission accomplished, ain’t no thang.

After leaving the kitchen I got my shoe caught on the head of a nail just baaaaarely sticking up out of the hardwood floor.  This was a safety hazard, so I busted out the nail-set and hammer.  Disaster avoided, and the all wisdom of the entertainment universe was still held tight in my beautiful mind.

I made it back into my office…here we go, in one fell swoop I’m going to make artists become the stars they’d always hoped to be. 

There was my black chair, the black desk, my silver Mac.

I sat down, opened up the computer, and…

I forgot the answer.

I forgot it.

Sorry everyone.

Guess I should have written down my great ideas when I had them.

I feel like there’s a lesson in there somewhere.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com