Looking Forward To The End

Everyone knows where the most suspenseful part of the game is going to be…the end of it.

The final touchdown, the last second shot, the walk off home run…the last frame of the bowling tournament.

People show up, or watch hoping for the suspense at the end.  The possibility of that moment is what sports entertainment hinges on.

People know exactly where the suspense is, and still love it.  They know what they expect and hope for and yet when it happens, it always goes beyond expectations and the hope over floweth.

People expect the end of your show to be climactic…thats how sports go, movies go, theater goes, books go, articles go…that’s how it goes.

A big ending makes sense to people…

What are you going to do with that?

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com