Making And Changing The Plan

Sometimes you have to be skilled in making and sticking to carrying out the plan, and sometimes you need to be good at changing the plan and recommitting to the new plan just as fiercely. 

Knowing which skill to call on and when…that comes with developing your instincts, maturing, paying attention, surviving some cuts and bruises and headlocks, being quiet enough to hear your gut, being ok that people might laugh at you.

I’ve seen amazing displays of courage and wisdom by people both willing to stick to the plan, and change the plan.

And in the end, it’s the courage and wisdom that penetrate deeper than any plan.

p.s.  Notice the second skill isn’t simply “changing the plan”…its coupled with “recommitting to the new plan just as fiercely”.  It’s not enough to change the plan if you’re not going to be amped up about the new one.  What’s a better plan worth if you’re going to be Eeyore about it?

If you find yourself being Eeyore with the new plan, lean into and feed off of someone else’s energy on the team.  Chances are the change was originally their idea…you’re unhappy with but they’re excited about it. The decision is done. You can stick out your bottom lip and mope around (band guys are so good at this), or you can follow the energy.  I suggest the latter.

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