My Fav 50

A new fun challenge for you:

My Fav 50

It’s really simple: Make a playlist of your favorite 50 songs and share it.

Here’s mine on Spotify and Apple.

A while back a friend of mine made his list like this and it was really fun to talk about and listen though. So I thought I’d take a shot and invite you to do the same.

But the biggest hurdle is this…It’s not a declaration of the Best 50 Songs or the Catchiest 50 Songs. It’s simply your favorite. No right or wrong answer. No need to argue.

Your favorite songs are you favorite because of what you feel when you hear them, what you get to think about and remember, the people and places you associate with them. Favorite isn’t concerned with Best…Favorite is concerned with experience and connection.

A fun way to become a little more known.

So go make yours and tag it with #MyFav50

***It gets really fun when you already have 50 on the list and in order to add one more you also have to remove one :)

***I started with a giant list of possible favorites. If you’re interested in that: listen here

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