Nashville Artists $.50 Streaming Rates For Spotify

The same Nashville commission that saved RCA Studio A has been working on Spotify royalty rates for Nashville artists as well.

They had been meeting with politicians on this even before “Save RCA Studio A”  but in the wake of so much publicity for the studio situation, had to table the streaming royalty situation for several months.

But now the commission has finally come to an agreement with state and federal representatives for all Nashville artists to begin receiving 50 cents per stream starting in October of this year from Spotify (Apple Music is still pending).

It’s a HUGE win for artists in Nashville and the hope is that this change will spread to more and more cities and more and more artists.

Finally streaming will be an immediate revenue source for the many many hard working bands and artists here in Nashville.

Spotify reps have said they are indeed worried about the heightened royalty rate draining the companies profit margins but are willing to see how it plays out in the fall. They also said that on the off chance it goes really well, we could see a steady 5 cents/year increase over the next 5 years, to bring the rate to 75 cents/stream by 2021 (for Nashville artists only).

Yes! Victory! It’s all happening. I didn’t expect this increase so soon, but obviously it is a welcome change in the land of music streaming.

Thanks Spotify!!


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