Nick/Demi Show

I saw the Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato tour tonight in Nashville.

Here are some things I learned or was reminded of…

-a great compressor on the vocal rights many wrongs and weaknesses 

-arenas aren’t that big

-if people pay more than $20 for a concert ticket, they need to believe they saw a GREAT show…even if it wasn’t

-Demi told us WE were one of her favorite crowds of the tour!!!

-there’s lots of money to be made via sponsorships, as someone will pay to put their name on anything in an arena

-you don’t need an encore built into your set

-if you’re the artist/front person on stage, everyone is looking at you all of the time

-the way your show looks, feels, flows, sounds like today is a lot like it will look, feel, flow and sound like when you play an arena

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