Only The Writing

Only the writing is on the top of the list. It’s what makes or breaks you. It is the most important thing. All the other stuff comes second. Writing great material is a prize in and of itself AND it’s what will carry you to and through the next open door.

The writing process is thankless and boring and doesn’t owe anyone anything. But when you land on a chord or a vibe or a melody and it’s just right…all of life gets brighter and more the way it should be.

Writing is not hard but coming up with something great is a combination of gymnastics, archeology, theology and black jack…and that’s not easy.

If you’re an artist scrolling Instagram you might not be doing what you should be doing.

If you’re an artist and you’re writing…that’s what artists do.

All the other stuff is important but only the writing is the most important.


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