Post Honeymoon Head Butt

Are these the people you want to be working with after the honeymoon phase is over?

Because it’s going to end. Soon.

It’s always fun working with the new people at the beginning. It always starts off well.

That’s why you started working together in the first place…if it wasn’t starting off well, you wouldn’t have jumped in, duh.

But the goal isn’t to find people you don’t disagree with and argue with and sometimes hate.

The goal is to find people you can disagree with and argue with and sometimes hate, but are willing to come to the table and work it out..and keep moving forward together.

At the beginning it’s difficult to envision butting head with your new manager, agent, label, PR, etc…but you WILL butt heads, no matter what, no matter how nice or talented or connected they are.

Are these the type of people you’d like to butt heads with over the weeks and months and years and your career?

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