Pushing Forward

It used to be at shows when everyone got really excited, usually at the very beginning, there was a big push towards the front, to get closer. 

That was the only way to direct the intensified longing. (Well, either that or tears)

It was a pretty cool moment.

Now everyone just directs the intensified longing to their cell phones to grab a quick souvenir of the moment.

But the best thing about the fishing story is that there was NEVER A PICTURE TAKEN.  That’s what makes the story worth telling over and over again. That’s the charm, the fact that no one can say the fish WASN’T that big. You get to remember it as grand as you want to and no one can say boo.

p.s. Now don’t get me wrong, I want people to take pictures of your show…or better yet, and pertaining to what you can control, I want you to do some things that are worth taking a picture of.

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