Speed Up

If everything is going well and is under control, you’re not going fast enough. Speed up.

The edge is where you belong, it’s not the area to be avoided.

This is why artists who have been around for so long make such mediocre music.  Because when you’re young and everything is a hot mess and the only thing you’ve ever known is living on the edge, and you’re barely hanging on and you’re making great music…you dream of one day when it will be different…when everything, including your brain, can be thrown into autopilot and live the easy life.

So “going well and is under control” feels like victory, an arrival point.

But the point is to never arrive here.

If the wheels are a little shaky, the alignment is pulling, the windshield is cracked, and you’re in the fast lane…don’t slow down.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com