Stage Comfort

Being comfortable on stage is not the be all end all.

Your audience expects you to be comfortable.

You started out having played zero shows and being super uncomfortable, and now you’ve played a bunch of shows and your comfortable on stage.

So you feel good about that.  And you should. That’s growth.

But so what if you’re comfortable on stage?

Comfortability is not the goal.

Please please don’t stop there.

The goal is impact, not comfort.

The hope is that you gain general comfortability and in turn it allows you to show more of your character, your personality, your uniqueness.  More of who you are.

More than that, the hope is that your character and who you are has grown you into a person who is confident in what they have to say, the impact they have to make.  

A person who is comfortable enough with the spotlight to actually DO something with it…beyond just being comfortable with it.

If you’re uncomfortable, grow in comfort.  If you’re comfortable, grow in impact.  If you’re making impact, we’d all like a ticket to the show.

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