Stealing Your Thunder

Ahhh…That ever elusive credit.

You were feeling good about what you’d done, your momentum, the trajectory, the realization of the plan, the pinnacle moment.  The dominos are busy falling over and you spent long hours pushing them over.

And then someone swipes your thunder.

Someone takes credit in front of someone YOU respect…someone you would like to impress.

Oh it burns.

But if someone is putting the time and effort into stealing your thunder…that means you have thunder to steal (and the robber is likely well aware).

It’s easy to want to call the cops when someone steals your thunder.  Seeking justice, or at least complain to a few people about it.

But the wise person knows that stolen thunder can never benefit the robber in the long run.

You can’t build on stolen thunder.

And it’s funny, in the long run, the thunder finds its way back to the original maker of it.

So if you’re in the business of stealing thunder, stop it, ultimately its worthless to you.

If you’re the one getting your thunder stolen, you’re on the right track.

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