That’s How Artists Make Money

By doing something or selling something that people want to pay money for.


That’s how artists make money.

It’s so simple and easy to overlook.  You don’t get money merely as a by product of effort, heart, hope, passion, creativity, staying up all night, being on a three month tour, writing lots of songs.

The reason any artist is popular, successful and makes a career out of music is because they do something and sell something that people WANT to pay for.  That people jump at the chance to give their money for.

The size venues you play are an exact reflection of the number of people who want to come see you play.

The tv/film placements you get are an exact reflection of how may supervisors want to pay to use your music.

The number of streams, the number of t-shirt sales, the private events…

If you want to make more money, do something where more people respond in their brains with “Yeah, I’ll pay for that”.

So on the flip side, if you ain’t making any money as an artist, you’re not doing things that people are paying for.

p.s. There are two parts of the equation.  The thing you’re doing/selling…and the level of desire people have to pay for it.  

It could be you need to change the thing you’re doing… but it could be the “thing” is great and you need to increase the peoples’ desire via a greater overall number of people becoming aware, or stimulating an increased level for the people who are already aware of what you do/sell.

p.p.s.  I was reminded of all of this today while walking out of an office building for a startup business here in Nashville.  Although, its not so start up anymore as it’s one of the fastest growing businesses in town.

It was a nice office with nice floors, a cool kitchen, good computers, good technology.  They’re all just regular people like you and like me.  And the way they have been able to grow like they have is that they happen to provide goods and services that LOTS of people are clamoring to pay for. 

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