The Why

Much has been written about the Why in recent years but it’s worth a short rehash…

When you step up to the mic on stage, in the studio, for the interview or to accept the award…why are you doing this? What’s the point?

And while having a long term fulfilling Why is best…for the short term, just having and knowing your Why is incredibly powerful regardless of what the why is…

Money, fame, prestige, sex, drugs, rebellion, worship, nostalgia, anger, power, joy…

This is your underlying fuel. The ace up your sleeve. The source of energy when energy is low. And knowing your why is a key source of magnetism.

Too many artists get up on stage either not knowing their way or being afraid of it, thereby self imposing a limit on their connection and effectiveness.

»» There is a tendency to over complicate the quest for the Why. But it’s more about peeling back the layers of what you’re already doing than it is coming up with something brand new and unexpected. You are operating out of your Why already.


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