The World Around You

When you are playing in Minneapolis, you’re not concerned with the people in Chicago…yet. You’ll concern yourself with the people in Chicago the following night when you play in Chicago.

While in Minneapolis you focus on Minneapolis because that is where you are. Those are the people you are with, the interactions you are having.  You are fully immersed in the world around you, and you happen to be in Minneapolis.

And that’s the trick.

Fully immersing yourself in the world around you.  

Be it on the road or off of it.  Be it in the studio or in the meeting.  Rehearsal or writing.  Doing the photo shoot or giving the interview.  Going to the grocery store or at the park.  Helping a buddy move or at a baseball game.

The world around you is the world you’ve been given for the moment.

Wherever that is, embrace it, pay attention to it, serve it, learn from it, have fun with it.

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