This Post Probably Isn’t The Post

Your latest post probably isn’t going to be the thing that convinces lots of someones to like you.
But it has to be good enough to be. 

You have to have a steady stream of great content.  The stream (the work) is what matters and each thing in the stream has to be good enough to pull someone off the fence even though, based on the percentages, that particular thing probably won’t.

Another benefit of the steady stream of great content is when someone is pulled to your side of the fence (ironically probably from a post/video/etc you didn’t think was one of your better ones)…they will go back and look something else you did. 

And because you have always been putting up great content, there will be a reason for them to love it.  So they’ll keep going, keep loving, because all along you’ve been giving people a reason to love it.

Great, steady content might not (usually doesn’t) win over the people upon it’s creation and release.

The percentages say that your next post/video/release probably won’t be the one.  But the percentages also say that given time and a steady stream, one of them will be. 

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