Unfinished Houses

It’s hard to sell a house while it’s being built because it’s hard to imagine it completed. The siding is yellow, the brick is red, the floors haven’t been put in. Most brains can’t make the leap.

Then the floors go in and the exterior gets painted to look like the other houses that look cool on Instagram…and now it’s a lot easier to sell. Yeah the light fixtures aren’t in yet but those are easy to imagine. The blue protective layer is still on all the appliances but we know what appliances look like, so the blue isn’t a deterrent.

In truth…we feel good about ourselves for being able to imagine the light fixtures and stainless steel finishes. That we are smart enough and imaginative enough to make that leap.

So whether you’re selling a house or selling the thing you sell, the sweet spot is finding the edge of your audiences imagination and then inspiring them to jump that last little bit…because when they do they feel a heightened sense of connection.


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