We Remember The Words

When we’re singing along.

As long as the music is playing, we know all the words.

But if we had to sit in a quiet room and write down the lyrics to even some of our favorite songs…it would be tough.

The context of the music, the breath of the singer, the way the hook drops into the verse…it all reminds us. And the biggest one…the way we can hear a nano-second of a lyric and then jump on it as though we knew it all along.

The hard thing about writing new material is there’s no music. No one to sing along with. No hook guiding us back into a verse. No lyrics to remember. None of it is there…yet.

Once it’s all there it will be powerful enough to let the audience think they have it memorized even when they don’t.

»» Which might even be a greater super power than actual memorization.

»» I’m a day behind on the Hum Love playlist. Comin at you tomorrow.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple