There’s a place in the heart of every artist that is crying out during every song of every show, and every interview, and every session, and meet & greet…all standing on the edge of the stage (figuratively and literally) asking the exact same thing…
And one more ‘yes’ is never enough.
The constant hunt for reassurance and affirmation.
I heard it said like this once…if you need check the mirror just one more time before you go out, you will continue to check one more time forever. As soon as the reassurance is there, it’s gone, it’s there, it’s gone, it’s there…
But what would it look like to stop hunting for it?
In fact, what would it look like to actually seek LESS reassurance and affirmation?
A lot of ideas are heralded as “good ideas” simply because it’s easy see the threads and possibilities of reassurance and affirmation that go along with them.
But have the pats on the back ever been enough?
I can answer that for you…No.
So what if you did the opposite? What if you picked the idea where affirmation isn’t even the point? The idea where for every supporter, there will be two nay sayers?
What does it look like for you to give up the fight for reassurance and affirmation, to seek less of those things?
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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: