What We Don’t Need To Know

I don’t need to watch Finding The Yeti.  The show is about finding it, but if one is found I would hear and see about it then.  It would be all over the place, not just on the Discovery Channel.

Also the recent headline “A Smart Phone Battery That Lasts a Week?”.  I don’t need to read that article.  When that battery is available to me, I will know about it.  If that battery was available to me now, the headline would read differently.

We’re looking for a reason to click, to engage. But we’re also looking for a reason why we don’t have to. 

If we need to know now, let us know now. If we don’t, save it for later, or for never.  Respect your audiences time and attention.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com