When The Gig Changes

You thought it was full band but when you show up they want it acoustic.

You thought it was acoustic but when you show up they literally only want one acoustic guitar.

You thought it was a forty-five minute set but now it’s only fifteen.

You thought it was a forty-five minute set but twenty-five minutes into it the person in charge says this is your last song.

You thought the stage was forty feet wide but when you show up it’s only twenty.

You thought you had access to the full light rig but now you’ve only got a static look.

You thought you had the 8pm festival slot but something happened and now you’re on at 2.

When the gig changes last minute, how quickly can you forget about what you thought it was going to be and embrace the new circumstances? Because the goal is still the same and the goal is still attainable. The goal is to connect emotionally.

The more gigs you’ve done and the more weird gigs you’ve done help you get better and faster at this. Because with this type of experience you’ve seen that the show always happens and it’s simply up to you to take the lead and do something with it.


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