Where Is The Money Coming From?

Wherever the money is coming from, own it.

Whoever is loving your music, lean into them.

We all want the cool crowd to be our audience and then realize it’s a different group. And then we’re slightly embarrassed or disappointed or belittling or resentful toward our actual audience because they aren’t who we hoped they’d be.

Maybe your music works well on TV. Maybe people in their 60’s love it. Maybe it clicks with people from a certain country. Maybe you can do great live business but no one cares about new recorded music. Maybe you’re a cover band. Maybe kids love it. Maybe small town people come out but big cities don’t work as well. Maybe you’re a soft ticket sweetheart. And this is a tough one…maybe you’re a great opener but don’t sell as a headliner.

Just give into it. Or work really hard to change it.

But it’s more fun to accept the fun that comes from something that’s working.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple