Who Needs A Hand?

Who needs a hand?

The people you don’t think need a hand.  The people, who, when you think of them you think “they’re fine, they have it together, they work hard, they’ll be alright”.

But for these hard charging people, if they don’t have hits under their belts, if you can’t name their hits, trust me, they need a hand. They need a favor, a champion, another believer to swing the bat on their behalf.

It’s easy to see a wounded, self loathing, inexperienced artist and want to be their savior and champion.  But the risk is so incredibly high with an artist like that because they haven’t proven they know how to WORK. 

The people you think will be alright, aren’t alright. While they’re willing to (and do) work their tails off day in and day out, they could use a bump.

It’s not the rich helping the soon to be rich. It’s not ignore the naive newbies.

It’s do things for people who DO THINGS.  

That’s “doing” well spent.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com