If you never specify your audience you can never be wrong.
You can always sit on the throne of ‘they just don’t get it’. Because “they” are no one and everyone. Faceless.
When your song or album or video or project doesn’t connect you can blame your unpicked, unspecified audience…since they’re undefined they can’t be seen or heard to let you know any different.
It’s scary to specify your audience and then go to work making something for them. Because if you pick an audience and your thing doesn’t work it’s not on them, it’s on you. You tried to make something for them and it didn’t connect.
BUT when you specify your audience you can actually get to know them, make something for them that isn’t just a shot in the dark. And when it connects, it connects through relationship not luck or trying to shout the loudest from the tallest building.
It is scary to specify your audience. But you need to specify your audience.
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