Your Short Little Essay

Here’s an interesting and extremely educational exercise for you and your band to do, separately and together…

Write a short little essay, 3 or 4 paragraphs about why the venue/promoter/agent was correct in turning you down for the gig.

If you’re willing to dig into this, my guess is you will not only find some grace for the person who turned you down, but also some definition about who you are and who you are not, and some added awareness of aspects you and your team can tighten up on.

Notice the last paragraph started with “If you are willing to dig…”

So the flip side would be…If you are not willing to dig into this, my guess is you will keep harboring negativity (even slightly) toward the person who turned you down, you’ll likely forfeit an opportunity to become more aware of your identity, and miss out on discovering ways of improving your team’s culture.

Doing exercises like this is out of the ordinary.  Your brain will play tricks on you, probably saying “no one else does this, so why should I do it”.

But if you will get over that initial fear hurdle and just start putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard…you will increase the value of your day.

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