You’ve Heard It All Before

Follow The Energy

If an idea, a style, a way of doing things attracts people more naturally, feed that fire.  Stop making it more difficult than it has to be.  You’re allowed to do something that’s making sense rather than doing something that’s incredibly difficult while trying to make sense of it.

Making Others’ Dreams

Tis’ true…if you help make enough other peoples’ dreams come true, yours are bound to be made too.  Usually the only way to find out what someone else’s hopes and dreams are is to ask them.

Your Followers Are Watching

The standards and values you set for yourself are more important than the ones you seek to enforce on your team.  If you’re the leader, the others are watching and learning.

Bigger Or Better

Bigger as in “how can my career get bigger” triggers thoughts of “what outside forces have to happen TO me”.  While “how can my career get better” triggers “what can I do”.

The Go-To Artist

You can’t be the go-to artist for everything, so stop expecting to be and stop hoping to be.  Better to work to be the go-to artist for something.

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