After You're Good Enough

You’ve got to put in the hours and get good at your craft.

But if you want to make a career out of it there comes a time where you need to make a switch…from only focusing getting better to focusing making other people aware of how good you are…so your phone will ring. So that you will get work. So that you will get paid. So that you can build a career.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

A Lesson From Music Docs

Every musician I know loves watching pretty any music documentary. Not only the ones about the big artists, but the documentaries about the small artists and the mid-size artists and all of the rest of them too.


Because documentaries aren’t centered around achievements. If they were we’d only watch The Beatles and Beyonce. Music docs are centered around stories. And we love stories. And all the music docs tell a story.

Too often this idea gets lost on social media.

Artists are content to tell of their achievements and accolades rather than acknowledging and breathing life into the story they’re telling…or could be telling.

If all you’re telling about is your achievements, you’ll always need more of them in order to have something ‘worth’ telling.

On the other hand if you’re telling a story…you don’t have to wait for achievements…you simply get to write the story.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

The Miracle Of Music

Despite the imperfections, misalignments, disagreements and disconnection of the people making the music…the music connects on the deepest levels.

The music overcomes the dysfunction of the group that is making it.

We hear other artists’ final product and think there must have been something magical about the people who made it. But no. Not at all. The magic is that despite the people NOT being extra special, the music somehow turns out to be extra special.

It’s not simply synergy. It’s not simply one plus one equaling three.

It’s one plus one equals…emotional and spiritual connection for the people involved and for the people who will never know the makers of the music. It’s an equation that doesn’t make any sense…but it’s true.

The fact that the makers of the music aren’t magical and yet come out with something that is…

How it goes from one thing to the other is a lovely mystery and is truly the miracle of music.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

The Budget Says...

…move on.

The clock says move on.

The release date says move on.

When we’re working on the project, these parameters push us to dig deep and come up with our best in the moment because pretty soon we’re going to have to move on and do our best in the next moment.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

Being Around Great

It’s fun to be around people who care enough to make something great.

Tunneling their vision and funneling their energy into one specific thing for a period of time.

And it rubs off.

Being around it, you see what it takes and it raises your game.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple

When There Aren't Enough People

If the right amount of people don’t show up to the show, who gets the blame?

The agent should have booked a different venue.

The promotor should have done more targeted advertising.

The label should have gotten the single on more playlists.

The publicist should have booked more interviews.

The band should have done more stuff on social media.

Building a live audience is important and all of the characters listed above play an important role. And you need the right people in the seats. But the only thing (and the best thing) to do once you’re on that stage is to put on a show that people will want to see again and tell their friends about.


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple