3 Page Brochures

3 page brochures. They’re everywhere. And that’s the size.

How come all the necessary info about so many things can fit so nicely into a 3 page brochure?

Trick question. It can’t.

There’s way more information that should be there, but 3 page brochures are normal and consumable, so the information gets shrunk in order to fit.

Can you imagine a 7 page brochure? Exhausting…too exhausting to even start reading.

3…3 is the right number.

You need a great single (and you need that single to have a great intro).

I know you have so much more to offer, so many songs, but the single is the normal, consumable, 3 page brochure version that makes the people ask for more.

Could I get a brochure?

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com