The Letdown Of Getting What You Hoped AND Planned For

Positive, unplanned and sudden things are incredibly exciting.  

Also, positive things that seem unattainable or far away are incredibly exciting.

The idea of playing for 50,000 people sounds incredibly exciting.  If someone came to your house right now with a plane ticket to a private jet and that jet was set to take you to LA where you were going to play for a sold out Rose Bowl…what an emotional overload.  A miracle.  A shock to the brain.

The impossibility of it gives an electric charge when you think about it.

But the only actual way to play for 50,000 people is to plan for it, to believe it to be, in fact, possible.  And then more you plan for it, and the closer you get, the less of a miracle it becomes and more just ‘the next thing in the story’.

And the ‘next thing in the story’ isn’t as crazy cool as the hypothetical amazing thing that it once was.

When it’s planned for, instead of a huge WOW factor, it feels natural…like yeah, this is exactly what’s suppose to be happening now. 

So the goal becomes less exciting but more possible.

It’s the letdown of getting what you hoped (and planned) for.

You should absolutely feel the freedom to celebrate and be excited about the bench marks you achieve…but you’ll probably recognize a certain degree of ‘eh, no big deal’ to go along with it.

That just means you did a great job planning and executing, instead of just being handed the keys to the kingdom at no charge.

Dream big. Plan specifically. Take Action. Enjoy the results.  And appreciate the non excitement.

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