Activity Soothes Rejection

Activity soothes rejection.  It’s healthy distraction from the nay-saying.

If you want to be in the entertainment business, you better be ready to be rejected.  Early and often, and then still more and more as you go.

You already knew that.

Getting turned down for the gig, the meeting, the endorsement, the producer you wanted, the tour you were promised.  Lots of rejection in this business.  

It stings, but you have a say in how long it stings.

The remedy for the emotional toll of this rejection is activity.

Things going on. Movement (i.e. not sitting around).

The sooner you smack some activity on top of the rejection, the sooner it’s soothed and the burn goes away.

But if all you do is sit and stare at the burn and whine about how much it stings, you are giving fuel to the negative part of rejection.

Don’t do that.

Move. Do something. Go buy someone coffee. Write with someone. Help someone else.

You’re going to need a healthy amount of self-induced activity if you’re going to survive the inevitable emotional burn of rejection in this business.

Pass it on.

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