Ideas Are Like Mice

Great ideas are like mice in your house.

You see them and then they’re gone.  You go back and look where you saw them last, but they’re nowhere close.

You set traps in the places you think they might show up, and they’re always a no-show.

They’re fast, elusive and unpredictable.

You might have, luckily enough, caught a couple mice last season, but in no way does that mean you’ll be cunning enough to catch them this season.

You know there’s mice in your house but you can’t catch them.  It could drive a monk insane.  The harder you try, the more worked up you get, the more worked up you get the more paranoid you get, the more paranoid you get the more you think everything that catches the corner of your eye is a mouse.

It isn’t.

It’s when you’re sitting on your couch organizing the coasters on the coffee table that all of a sudden you see one scurry across the living room floor.

It’s on.

Go get it.

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