All Of The Answers

All the answers of how to be a better band, to be the best band, have been laid before you.

Laid before you in blogs, interviews, magazines, documentaries, books, personal experiences and conversations.

All the information and answers have been written in black and white.  And chances are you’ve read them more than once.

So why aren’t you the band you want to be?

Because you’re not ready and willing to fully realize, believe and act on the answers to the riddle.

And that’s ok for now. You can be, in time.

Right now you’re too focused on the riddle. You love arrogantly talking about the riddle, speculating, complaining and comparing that you don’t have any energy for the answers that are right in front of you.

Slow down. Breathe. Open your eyes. Pay attention.  You’re engaging with the answers everyday.

p.s. When you don’t believe in them but they sound good, they’re called cliches.  When you understand and adopt them, they’re called by their real name, truths.

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