My MusicPro Insurance Claim

I’ll give the link again later, but feel free to skip this post and instead spend the time setting up your Music Pro Insurance.

It’s about $12/month for $10,000 worth of stuff.

Skeptical? Here’s exactly how my claim went.

My Marcus Miller Fender Jazz bass got stolen out of a van that broken into.  Inside the case of the bass was two 21 foot bass monster cables.

The bass and the cables were listed on my policy.

A police report was filed for the van break-in and the theft (you must file a police report if your stuff gets stolen).

I was actually out of town when the theft happened so it was a pal of mine doing all the work with the po-po.

The day after the break-in my pal sent me a picture of the Citizen’s Information Notice…one piece of paper from the cop with a bunch of info on it including the official report #.

See, when the police come and take down all the info, the actual full report itself isn’t  available to get a copy of until 72 hours later.

But once I had the Citizen’s Info Notice, that’s all Music Pro needs in order to get things going.

I emailed Music Pro about what happened and a guy named Mark called me the same day.  I missed his call and we spent the next 5 days playing phone tag. Yuck.

We finally connected on the phone. Mark is a nice guy, but Mark is not a music guy.  He works for the parent insurance group that Music Pro is owned by.

I explained everything to him, and went through the stolen gear that was insured through the policy.  He set the wheels in motion and said my claim would be reviewed in the next couple days.

Sure enough, a couple days later I got an email saying a check was going in the mail for me in the amount of….ha, I’m not gonna tell you that.

BUT, the amount was less than it was supposed be.

What had happened was two things that caused confusion ….1) The Marcus Miller Jazz bass stopped being manufactured in 2014…2) There were still companies (falsely) advertising that they had it at a drastically reduced price…and Music Pro was using this price as the replacement value.

So I got on the phone with Fender customer relations and had them send Music Pro an email outlining these details along with the regular price that the bass was sold for when it stopped being manufactured in 2014.

Once my man Mark received this email he had my claim reviewed and the additional funds added to the check.

I will have the check tomorrow and my stuff got stolen 12 days ago.  

That’s pretty legit.

All in all , over the 12 days I talked to my main man Mark twice, emailed with him four times, talked with Fender once and emailed with Fender once.

Pretty freaking easy.  And no one was a jerk.

If you are at all serious about music, go get gear insurance.

If you don’t, you are an idiot.

If you don’t, you are not serious about music.

And you’re serious about music. Go.

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