An Alternative To Firing

As the leader, if I expect my team member to do A and instead they do B…where B= not really doing a whole lot of work…there’s a breakdown happening and I should probably let the team member go because my clearly stated expectations and what’s actually being done are not lining up.

In order to not have to let this team member go, the expectations have to line up. 

The most natural lining up of expectations that comes to mind is to lead and inspire a change where I expect A and they perform A.


But the other thing you could do is this…they’re only doing B and I change MY expectations to only ask for B.

It may sound strange but consider this…

The PR rep is expected to get your new album featured on ten major blogs the first week of release.  They’re a really nice person, easy to work with, but they only get the album featured on two blogs the first week.

This sort of thing keeps happening.  If the expectation is ten per week and only two come through, you either need to fire them or adjust you’re expectations of them down to two blogs a week. Either choice is beneficial to both of you.

Else you will go freaking crazy and be complaining about them all the time, when you are the one keeping them around.

Being on the same page, together, in unity, is ever important…even more important than which page it actually is.

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